A steady drip from a faucet can waste 350 gallons a year. A new washer often does the trick. Check outside faucets/spigots as well.

Be sure to only run the washer or dishwasher with full loads.

Don't waste toilet flushes on hair, paper towels, tissues or other things that belong in the trash. Save gallons every time.

Keep a pitcher or gallon jugs of tap water in the fridge rather than running the faucet to get a cold drink. If you have to run the faucet to get cold or hot water, fill a container while it runs and use it to water plants or pets.

Turning off the water when you brush your teeth can save 4 gallons a minute. A family of four can save 200 gallons a week just by following this simple tip.

Spy on your toilet. Silent leaks in toilets are common water wasters. To test, drip a little food coloring into the tank (not the bowl). Wait 5 to 10 minutes - do not flush. If you see the dye in the toilet bowl, you have a silent leak. A new flapper valve or other simple hardware fix usually stops the leak. A leaky toilet alone can waste up to 50,000 gallons of water a year.

Don't use water to thaw foods.

Install aerators on your faucets.

Keep your plant water pitcher in your bathroom, and fill it with your shower water as you let the water warm up.

Soak pots and pans instead of letting the water run while you scrape them clean.